

    Broker Per Contract 5 10 25 50 100
    Regal Discount 10* $2.49 $2.99 $4.49 $6.99 $11.99
    Fidelity 65 $3.25 $6.50 $16.25 $32.50 $65.00
    TD Ameritrade 65 $3.25 $6.50 $16.25 $32.50 $65.00
    E*TRADE 65 $3.25 $6.50 $16.25 $32.50 $65.00
    Schwab 65 $3.25 $6.50 $16.25 $32.50 $65.00
    *plus $1.99 per trade

    Competitor firm pricing information obtained from their respective websites as of 11/1/2019. Competitor pricing and offers subject to change without notice.

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