Account Protection
Investrade Discount Securities is a division of Regal Securities, Inc., a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). Your account assets are covered by the SIPC, which protects customers of its members up to $500,000, with a limitation of $250,000 on claims for cash balances. Additionally, Hilltop Securities "HTS" has purchased Excess SIPC Insurance which covers the net equity of customer's accounts up to an aggregate of $150 million from underwriting syndicates at Lloyd's of London. The customer securities component, which restricts coverage with respect of any one customer, is a maximum of $25,000,000 with the aggregate coverage of cash set at $900,000.SIPC and Excess SIPC covers accounts of the member firm in the event of a member's bankruptcy or insolvency. Coverage does not apply to losses due to market fluctuation or any decline in market value of your securities. For additional information regarding SIPC coverage, including a brochure, please contact SIPC at (202) 371-8300 or visit
Accounts carried with Hilltop Securities, Inc..
Accounts carried with Hilltop Securities, Inc..