Brokerage Fees

Important Note: Modifying a partially executed order, also known as a cancel/replace, is considered a new order and will incur a separate commission if the modified order is executed.

[1] Applicable fees include wire fees, rejection fees, and shipping fees, redeposit fees, transfer agent fees, DWAC fees, and agent fees.

[2] A DRS statement is sent only when a security is returned to the transfer agent to hold in book entry form.

Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. Certain requirements must be met to trade options through Regal. Online trading has inherent risks due to loss of online services or delays from system performance, risk parameters, market conditions, and erroneous or unavailable market data. Investors should understand these and additional risks before trading. Before considering any option transaction, please read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options provided by the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC), available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. A current copy may also be obtained by calling Regal at 1-800-927-3425 or by mailing your request to Regal Discount Securities, 950 Milwaukee Ave., Ste. 102, Glenview, IL 60025. Because of the importance of tax considerations, Regal recommends consulting your tax advisor before contemplating any options transaction. Supporting documentation for any claims, comparison, recommendations, statistics, or other technical data, will be supplied upon request.

Fees & Commissions effective as of 1/1/2024. All fees subject to change without notice.

ACH Recall/Reversal/Return $35.00
Cancel and Re-bill $20.00
CAT Fee Options $.0035 per contract
CAT Fee Equities Off Exchange $.000046 per share
CAT Fee Equities On Exchange $.000035 per share
CAT Fee OTC Equities $.000046 per 100 shares
Certificate Held in Safe Keeping at HTS $100.00 per year
Certificate Processing Fee/Deposit Fee (NYSE, NASDAQ)
Pink Sheet and Bulletin Board Stock not accepted
$75.00 per cusip, per deposit,
plus applicable fees [1]
Copy of Past Confirmation $5.00
Copy of Past Statement $5.00
DRIP No Charge
DRS Statement Withdrawal $30.00 [2]
A DRS statement is sent only when a security is returned to the transfer agent to hold in book entry form.
DTC Non-Transferable Fee $15.00 per month
DTC Non-Transferable Securities Held $150.00 annually
DWAC and DRS Process Fee $75.00 plus transfer agent fees

Holding and Reporting Fee

$50.00 annually

Index Option Exchange Fees

Non-ACAT Eligible Securities – Full $75.00
Non-ACAT Eligible Securities – Partial $35.00
Non-DTCC Eligible Securities $100.00 plus pass thru fees[1]
NSCC Illiquid Securities Fee Varies

NSCC VAR Charges

OCC Fees $0.025 per contract

Options Regulatory Fee (ORF)

$0.01535 per contract
Physical Certificate Held at DTC Delivery Fee $100.00

Physical Certificate Held at Hilltop Securities in Street Name or Client Name

$150.00 per year

Professional Data Fees

$125.00 per month
Reg T Extension $20.00
Reorganization – Mandatory $20.00
Reorganization – Voluntary $50.00
Retirement Accounts
Simple IRAs
   Simple IRA 5304 Annual Fee $45.00
   Simple IRA 5305 Annual Fee $100.00
   Simple IRA Setup Fee $100.00
Traditional, Roth, Rollover, SEP IRAs & Coverdell ESAs
   IRA Annual Fee $15.00
   IRA Setup Fee No Charge
   IRA Termination Fee $50.00
Profit Sharing
   Profit Sharing $100.00
Returned Check $40.00
Right or Warrant Exercise – Voluntary $50.00
Right or Warrant Exercise – Mandatory No Charge

SEC Transaction Fee


Short Stock Hard to Borrow Fee

Statements & Confirms
   Electronic Statements Free
   Electronic Confirms Free
   Paper Statements Free
   Paper Confirmations $1.00 per trade


  Voluntary Per Position $50.00
  Mandatory No Fee

Trading Activity Fee (TAF)

  Stocks & ETF's $0.000166 per share
(max. $8.30 per trade)
  Options $0.00279 per contract
  Covered Debt Securities $0.00105 per bond
(max. $1.05 per trade)
Transfer and Ship Request $550.00
Transfer Out - Full $60.00
Transfer Out - Partial $50.00
Wire Transfers
  Wire Transfer $35.00
  Recalled or Returned Wire $50.00