Stock Screener

Search & Filter Stocks by Over 60 Criteria

Try Our Powerful Stock Screener

Looking for trade ideas? Give Regal's Stock Screener tool a try! It allows you to find stocks that match your trading strategies. There are 2 ways to get started - choose from a selection of 15 pre-defined screens or create your own search from over 60 different criteria. The Stock Screener is available on our desktop platform and is free for all Regal customers. Here's some of the key features:

PRE-DEFINED SCREENS: There are 15 pre-defined screens available, including small, mid and large cap stocks, and you can search under value, momentum, growth and more: 


Select a pre-defined screen to view a list of companies that match the criteria.  View Price Date, Fundamentals and 52 week information in the list format:


Click on a company symbol to see detailed research about the company:

CUSTOMIZABLE SEARCHES: There are 60+ criteria that you select from to modify you search, including dividends, key ratios, profitability and much more:
OPTION TRADING IDEAS: For your search, click on 'Optionable', and you can search for those stocks that have options available: 

How Do You Find It?  After you log into your account, just click on the 'Screener' tab. It's FREE for all customers & you can start using it today! 

Want to Learn More? Watch our 2 minute video on how you can use Regal's new Stock Screener tool:

With the Stock Screener, You'll Always Get Our Ultra-Low Rates



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